London Futurists
Anticipating and managing exponential impact - hosts David Wood and Calum Chace
Calum Chace is a sought-after keynote speaker and best-selling writer on artificial intelligence. He focuses on the medium- and long-term impact of AI on all of us, our societies and our economies. He advises companies and governments on AI policy.
His non-fiction books on AI are Surviving AI, about superintelligence, and The Economic Singularity, about the future of jobs. Both are now in their third editions.
He also wrote Pandora's Brain and Pandora’s Oracle, a pair of techno-thrillers about the first superintelligence. He is a regular contributor to magazines, newspapers, and radio.
In the last decade, Calum has given over 150 talks in 20 countries on six continents. Videos of his talks, and lots of other materials are available at https://calumchace.com/.
He is co-founder of a think tank focused on the future of jobs, called the Economic Singularity Foundation. The Foundation has published Stories from 2045, a collection of short stories written by its members.
Before becoming a full-time writer and speaker, Calum had a 30-year career in journalism and in business, as a marketer, a strategy consultant and a CEO. He studied philosophy, politics, and economics at Oxford University, which confirmed his suspicion that science fiction is actually philosophy in fancy dress.
David Wood is Chair of London Futurists, and is the author or lead editor of twelve books about the future, including The Singularity Principles, Vital Foresight, The Abolition of Aging, Smartphones and Beyond, and Sustainable Superabundance.
He is also principal of the independent futurist consultancy and publisher Delta Wisdom, executive director of the Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation, Foresight Advisor at SingularityNET, and a board director at the IEET (Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies). He regularly gives keynote talks around the world on how to prepare for radical disruption. See https://deltawisdom.com/.
As a pioneer of the mobile computing and smartphone industry, he co-founded Symbian in 1998. By 2012, software written by his teams had been included as the operating system on 500 million smartphones.
From 2010 to 2013, he was Technology Planning Lead (CTO) of Accenture Mobility, where he also co-led Accenture’s Mobility Health business initiative.
Has an MA in Mathematics from Cambridge, where he also undertook doctoral research in the Philosophy of Science, and a DSc from the University of Westminster.
AI agents: challenges ahead of mainstream adoption, with Tom Davenport

Post-labour economics, with David Shapiro

Longevity activism at 82, 86, and beyond, with Kenneth Scott and Helga Sands

Models for society when humans have zero economic value, with Jeff LaPorte

From ineffective altruism to effective altruism? with Stefan Schubert

The global energy transition: an optimistic assessment, with Amory Lovins

Building brain-like AIs, with Alexander Ororbia

To sidestep death, preserve your connectome, with Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston

Insights from 15 years leading the self-driving vehicle industry, with Sterling Anderson

The race for AI supremacy, with Parmy Olson

A narrow path to a good future with AI, with Andrea Miotti

Gen AI cuts costs by 30%: lessons from a leading law firm, with David Wakeling

Climate change and populism: Grounds for optimism? with Matt Burgess

Rejuvenation biotech - progress and potential, with Karl Pfleger

ChatGPT runs for president, with Pedro Domingos

The rise of digital pandemics, with James Ball

Thinking more athletically about the future, with Brett King and Rob Tercek

The low-cost future of preserving brains, with Jordan Sparks

Surveillance and diversity: surprising insights from the Gulf, with Holly Joint

The double-edged sword of technology, with Wendell Wallach

Stop cryocrastinating! with Emil Kendziorra

Introducing Conscium, with Daniel Hulme and Ted Lappas

Taming the Machine, with Nell Watson

AI Impacts Survey - The key implications, with Katja Grace

Cryonics, cryocrastination, and the future: changing minds, with Max More