London Futurists

Cryonics, cryocrastination, and the future: changing minds, with Max More

London Futurists Season 1 Episode 84

Our guest in this episode is Max More. Max is a philosopher, a futurist, and a transhumanist - a term which he coined in 1990, the same year that he legally changed his name from O’Connor to More.

One of the tenets of transhumanism is that technology will allow us to prevent and reverse the aging process, and in the meantime we can preserve our brains with a process known as cryonics. In 1995 Max was awarded a PhD for a thesis on the nature of death, and from 2010 to 2020, he was CEO of Alcor, the world’s biggest cryonics organisation.

Max is firmly optimistic about our future prospects, and wary of any attempts to impede or regulate the development of technologies which can enhance or augment us.

Selected follow-ups:

Music: Spike Protein, by Koi Discovery, available under CC0 1.0 Public Domain Declaration

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