London Futurists

How to make AI safe, according to the tech giants, with Rebecca Finlay, CEO of PAI

London Futurists Season 1 Episode 62

The Partnership on AI was launched back in September 2016, during an earlier flurry of interest in AI, as a forum for the tech giants to meet leaders from academia, the media, and what used to be called pressure groups and are now called civil society. By 2019 more than 100 of those organisations had joined.

The founding tech giants were Amazon, Facebook, Google, DeepMind, Microsoft, and IBM. Apple joined a year later and Baidu joined in 2018.

Our guest in this episode is Rebecca Finlay, who joined the PAI board in early 2020 and was appointed CEO in October 2021. Rebecca is a Canadian who started her career in banking, and then led marketing and policy development groups in a number of Canadian healthcare and scientific research organisations.

In the run-up to the Bletchley Park Global Summit on AI, the Partnership on AI has launched a set of guidelines to help the companies that are developing advanced AI systems and making them available to you and me. Rebecca will be addressing the delegates at Bletchley, and no doubt hoping that the summit will establish the PAI guidelines as the basis for global self-regulation of the AI industry.

Selected follow-ups:

An open event at Wilton Hall, Bletchley, the afternoon before the Bletchley Park AI Safety Summit starts:

Music: Spike Protein, by Koi Discovery, available under CC0 1.0 Public Domain Declaration

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